Thursday 5 September 2013

Pwetty without makeup...try these!!!

Hi Beauties, I'm sure you all gonna love this magical trick..xx

10 Tips For Looking Beautiful Without Makeup
  • One of the most important tips to look good without makeup is to maintain hygiene. Take a bath every day and shampoo your hair regularly . Being neat and clean is an important step on the road to look good.
  • Water helps in keeping the body hydrated and moisturize the skin. Also, the water cleanses the body of mud that may otherwise cause acne , boils and other skin problems . 2:58 So drink liters of water every day for a naturally clear and glowing skin.
  •  look beautiful without make-up , you should take plenty of rest to get the latest .
  •  Early in the morning , the first thing you need to do after you brush your teeth, is a splash of cold water on your face and eyes.
  •  Choose a hairstyle that works for you. Trendy hairstyle that works for some may not work for you to eat it. Find out the shape of the face , and to find a hairstyle that looks good on it.
  •  Exfoliation face twice a week to remove dead cells from the surface. Wash face with a soft sponge or use detergent comprising apricot kernels, pellets or micro- alpha- hydroxy acids.
  •  Moisturize day and night. If you have oily skin, use a light serum. If you have dry skin, you can use a heavier moisturizer.
  • Apply sunscreen when you go out of the house. UV rays of the sun might damage your skin in different directions. They can darken the area, leaving a patchy skin .
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes, and get plenty of sleep and exercise. Your skin reflects how you treat your body .
  • Eight hours of good , well rested sleep is essential for healthy skin. Lack of proper sleep shows how the dark circles under the eyes, puffy eyes , etc. And in order to hide them , make-up is used . So if you have the proper 8:00 of sleep a night , you can say goodbye to makeup.

Good luck Dollies..xx

Culled  from Google+

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